Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer is found at the very start of every edition of the Book of Common Prayer. It is one of the earliest services of the Anglican church, derived (or inspired by) the ancient Jewish prayer practices that later gave birth the monastic prayers of the hours in the Christian church. It is a prayer routine that allows you to start your day by "confessing sin, worshipping God, reading Scripture, and praying for yourself and others."
Even if you are doing this physically alone in your home, you are at the same time praying together with thousands of others around the world who are also doing Morning Prayer.
Below are links to each day's Morning Prayer service from1928, 1979, and 2019 editions of the Book of Common Prayer:
Morning Prayer - 1928 BCP from
Morning Prayer - 2019 BCP from (Also with Midday and Evening Prayer and Compline)
Morning Prayer - 1979 BCP from (With audio of some portions)
Morning Prayer (Audio) - 1979 BCP from the Episcopal Church in Garrett County, MD. (With meditative music on Native American flute)
If you are interested in how to do Morning Prayer (2019 BCP) on your own, have a look at this article: Morning Prayer: A Rookie Anglican Guide
There is also a video guide on how to pray the Morning Office (2019 BCP) which is quite good: Anglican Helps: How to Pray the Daily Office
If you'd like help with how to pray the Morning Office with the 1979 BCP, there is this video: How to Pray from the Book of Common Prayer: The Daily Office, Morning Prayer Detailed